Well, even though I have a mountain of uni marking, (perhaps despite it!), I thought it was important to get out and about on the bike – and I ended up having a thoroughly enjoyable and an EVENTful weekend – two events in fact!
Style Over Speed Ride (Fri night)
The first event was Friday night’s Style Over Speed Ride for Bike Week. It was the first time I have participated in this event and I had a wonderful time! I meet some cool kats, some funky chickens and some down-right lovely souls. There were all types of stylish and customs bikes, the variety and array was beautiful to behold and certainly VERY stylish!! After meeting and mingling, we had leisurely and fun roll around town – cruising, chatting, being a little cheeky, dinging bells – oh it did make me miss Melbourne! It was great to be hitting the streets en mass riding after dark – it is something I have sorely missed since moving to Brisbane, but tonight, I made some new friends and my art bike Leki (below) had a great time too!

It was lovely cruising around Brisbane in a bike pack. I don’t usually go into the city on Friday night, but it was a spectacular eventing, clear and beautiful – everyone was in a good mood and I had a great time. there were some very special bikes there that I would like to see again and speak to the owners, some bespoke bikes that were truly beautiful. I made a few new contacts, got some names and feel more relaxed about being in Brisbane. I got a few hot invitations to some upcoming bike events that I will post about later. At the end of our ride, we went to a pub on Innerly St to have beer and a chat – which was a great ending to a lovely evening. I didn’t want to hang around too long as I still had to get home and up early in the morning for my next event.

Defcon Cycles Ride Day (Sat)
Definitive Cycles had a ride day at Gap Creek which was a great chance to try some of their new stock, ride with some MTB mates and get a slap-up breakfast on top! The Defcon boys did a great job on the day, there was a good turn out of familiar faces and some new people, the weather was amazing, fun trails and other family and friends came out. It was great to see so many women out this time, last time I was the only one, but today there were some rock steady chicks! I had a brilliant longer ride up Rocket Frog, then up and back down Dingo and around the MTB loop with a few boys that I usually ride with – which was super fun (tiring, but very rewarding). It was also good to check out the new range of Intense, Evil and Banshee test bikes and see what everyone else was riding and catch up on some gossip and news. Now home to continue that end of semester marking…grrrr.