The theoretical framing I am using for my bicycle-education PhD is feminist New Materialisms (fNM). Actually, it is more than just a philosophical perspective and as a doctoral researcher, I have to understand this
I am lucky that my supervisor Dr Sherilyn Lennon is already immersed in this field and has been an invaluable resource and guide in unpacking FNM complexities.
In a recent meeting, I said to Sherilyn that I wanted/needed more time to process and experiment with
Success! We now have an official F

What did we do at the first fNM SIG?
We plan to start with a monthly reading and discussion group and then see what organically happens as opportunities present and requests are made.
Our first meeting was on Thursday 1st August 2019 and we had 12 attendees.
The first meeting was semi-structured with the discussion focus being: The emergence of feminist New Materialisms.

The two stimulus resources were:
- Reading: Pierre, E. S. (2014). A brief and personal history of post qualitative research: Toward “post inquiry”. Journal of curriculum theorizing, 30(2).
- Podcast: Click on link to access audio. New materialism by Karen Sellberg. Number 11. April 2016. Queensland School of Continental Philosophy.
We started with a welcome and an introduction of attendees: name, connection to Uni and how we plugged into fNM – and an acknowledgment that ‘matter matters’ to set the scene.
We wanted to keep the discussion open to whatever came up, so we had three questions (traffic light ) for people to think about and write their answers down on coloured post-its. Teachers call this a ‘think, pair, share’ activity, which is great because everyone contributes individual ideas to the collective discussion.
Here are our traffic (green = enabling, yellow= interesting, red =constraining) light questions and responses.
Red responses Orange responses Green responses ‘Traffic light’ questions
Then we formed smaller groups to share and discuss our answers – and whatever else bubbled up.
Each group discussed different aspects and ideas.
We put all the stick notes on the wall to create a gallery walk so we could pass by and read other people’s thoughts and ideas. It was a way to see what other groups discussed and it was super interesting to see what other people were wrestling with.
Sherilyn pulled one idea off the wall for the whole group to discuss in more detail.

The time went so quick
Sherilyn and I wanted the meeting to honour central fNM tenets – like being open to change and what emerges in a moment. I also really like the idea of not just discussing ideas, but also actively and collaboratively producing something original (gallery wall) that did not exist before.
It is very FNM to recognise and (re)produce matter that can only be created in that very particular ‘entangled’ moment made up of the room, ideas, bodies, histories, location, identities, artefacts, concepts and all the other processes and practices that made the meeting what it was.
The meeting was a great start and we got very positive feedback.
It will take a few meetings to get into the groove, but I like having a semi-structured activity (with an collective production) that can then opened up and modified as the groups see fit.
We will be having one meeting each month for the rest of 2019 and I am very much looking forward to it!
A massive big thank you to all the participants and to GIER for their support.

Overview of feminist New Materialisms
Over the past 20 years, New Materialism has become an umbrella term used to represent a range of theoretical perspectives that share the re-turn to a focus on
In the last 15 years in particular, fNM have gained considerable attention as a consequence of a unique approach to considering the agency of all matter. In using such understandings habitual human-centric ways of thinking, doing and being are disrupted as an
European Universities (in particular Utrecht Uni which has a New Materialism Research Centre) have enthusiastically adopted
As an emerging methodology, fNM is being taken prominently in the field of educational research. Those working in this field are contributing significant insights while laying the foundations for a profound shift in the way we come to understand educational issues, teacher education, and professional and educational practice-based learning.
At Griffith, we have a number of academics working with ANT, but few engaging with
The aim of this fNM SIG is to:
- To build a vibrant and productive community of FNM researchers and professionals who cross-pollinate ideas while growing new research projects
- To participate and contribute in this emergent theoretical field
- To bring together researchers with trans-disciplinary and cross-institutional knowledge as a means of creating hybrid rigour
- To support GU HDR candidates who are using FNM thinking
- To grow research, researchers and research practices and networks
- Establish Griffith/GIER as active in the FNM space
- Leverage and extend Australian feminist scholarship