Yesterday was the US National Dog Day. In honour of this dog-gone day – today offers a smattering of pooch-and-bike tit-bits. This post is dedicated to my own amazing trail dog, Zoe! Many more happy trails to come! NG.
Image: Nina and Zoe (Forest, VIC).
Happy US National Dog Day
The American national holiday Dogs Day started in 2004 by animal behaviorist, author and animal advocate Colleen Paige. *
This day was originally designed to highlight adoptable dogs and rescue services – but is also recognised more widely to acknowledge the contribution, achievement and positive role that dogs have in our homes and communities.
This commemoration is also known as National Dog Day, Dog Appreciation Day, World’s Dog Day, and International Dog Day.
This event has also been adopted by other countries outside of the US.
“Love is a four legged word.” – Unknown
BCC loves dogs!
Regular BCC readers know that dogs are a regular feature on this blog. Some of our previous doggie reports include:
- Xiaosa – the intrepid Chinese dog
- Riding for Rescues
- Ruby the trail dog
- Giving it all up to cycle the world with your dog
- The BCC Instagram project: #Bikes_CISTA

Third Wheel
To celebrate US National Dog Day, I found this sweet edit from Transition Bikes called Everyone Third Wheel. I appreciated the simplicity of the footage – and laughed where I saw the comment on Pinkbike under the title Everone needs a trail dog, which was:
Sick of seeing people rail trails harder than you ever could? Ready to smile while watching a bike edit instead of being overwhelmed with a feeling of inadequacy? We’ve got the answer.
Third Wheel: Deep in the woods of Vermont’s Green Mountains, mountain bikers escape to some of New England’s most pristine singletrack. The thick forests provide a refuge for those seeking adventure.
Rider Adam Morse and his dog, Flow, revel in the in the solitude and transform the green tunnel into a private playground.
So here it is!
And for the US readers – here are the top 10 US states that love dogs the most:

*Coincidentally, did you know…….August 26th is also Women’s Equality Day!
National Dog Day was founded by a woman (Colleen Paige) in 2004 and this date is significant for a number of reasons. August 26th is when Colleen’s father adopted their first family dog.
Interestingly, there was nothing about Women’s Equality Day found on the internet in 2004 (when Dog Day was initiated), which makes these two special initiatives, which come together years later, to be even more auspicious for those who know about this synthesis.
So give a dog in your life and extra special cuddle and trail ride today!
Happy National Dog Day to our American cycling brothers and sisters.
Ride on you awesome #Bike_CISTAS teams – the day is yours!