Artist Studio. Creative Workshop. Innovation Space. Art & Design Workroom. Conceptual Atelier.
Call it what you will.
Having a designated space to produce original creative work is a blessing.
Most artists I know have some kind of space to produce work, leave out their tools, percolate ideas and have room to let their creative juices flow.
Very few people who are not full-time artists (with the exception of retirees and empty-nesters) are lucky to have such a space.
Personally, I’ve never had such a space.
Until recently….

This year I have been working hard juggling teaching, PhDing and a range of other projects. I like to have one creative project on the go to help keep me balanced.
One of my ongoing side projects has been making custom-made recycled bottle cap medallions made only of recycled materials.
Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with them.

I make them out of bottle caps filled with
I love how meditative the process is. I often will set aside a few hours, pull out all my gear, have a beer, put on some good music and settle in for a crafternoon session.
I’ve been making these medallions for nearly two years now and have quite a collection.
I use them for lots of things.

In February, the medallions were Eco-Excellence Awards for the Bio-Bike roving performance Claire Tracey and I did for the Sustainable Living Festival (Melbourne, VIC).
Then in June, after completing The Art of Looping Workshop Intensive, each Looping participant was presented with a Looper Award of Excellence.
When I make them, I sometimes set up a ‘crafternoon’ workstation out the front of my house under the carport. I love working outside and the neighbors often drop in to say hi and see what designs I’m working on that day.
Invariably they’ll leave with a medallion that takes their fancy.
It still makes me smile when I see my recycled bicycle medallions on hats, coats and bags being worn around my community.
There’s a running joke around our streets that the locals are ‘supporting the arts’ by drinking beer and giving me the caps. Hilarious!
I often come home to find small bags of bottle caps in my letterbox or on the front steps. Gold.
Thank you to The Sunshine Family
But one particular family have gone above and beyond.
Four months ago, a family (who I’ll call The Sunshine Family because they asked to remain anonymous, but you know who you are!) offered me the use of their double-fronted shed as a designated art workshop until the end of the year.

Oh joy!
What an offer!
Hells yeah!
It is a massive, clean space and had everything I might ever need.
Having this studio meant I could have all my gear set out and ready to go.
I got so many more medallions done when I was in there.
Talk about productive!

Whenever I had the time, I’d get in there and easily smash out 50 medallions at a time.
One of the best (and most unique) features of this space is the double-fronted garage doors rolled up to look out on the private backyard.
So when all the local musos came over for the weekly jam session, I had a primo position to enjoy the tunes, banter and company!
Best studio ever!
But now it is the end of the year, so its time pack up my materials and return the shed.
This post is to say thank you to the Sunshines.
Thank you for letting me use the space so I know what it feels like to have a designated creative workspace, for the wonderful offer, for good company, for trusting me, for ‘supporting the arts’ and for giving me my first-ever studio space! I will treasure your thoughtfulness and generosity always.
To The Sunshine Family, a massive big, heart-felt THANK YOU!