After visiting Rotorua this summer, I was impressed by the amount of support for cycling that the local Council and Businesses provided. As a visiting cyclist, it was easy to get around town, given the safe and considerable bike lanes that weave throughout town and around the local tourist attractions, parks, lakes and geysers. I found like-minded people at cafes like Zippy’s where there is ample bike parking out the front (and good coffee!). Rotorua Airport has a shipping container at the arrivals door with lockers and an assembly stand and tools so you can build you bike straight off the plane.
We stayed at The Alpin, which provided exceptionally bike-friendly services, including a designated MTB bike wash station in the courtyard and private thermal pools for each room. (Michelle was really happy to have bikers stay there and was so welcoming and helpful that I am not surprised it is a favourite place to stay for MTBs). Aside from all this, the amazing forest at Redwoods was a pure delight to ride around.
I was also deeply impressed by the cooperation and multi-use agreements that obviously work so well between so many different stakeholders within the Whakarewarewa Forest, such as mountain bikers, walkers, horse-riders, family day-trippers and loggers – it was remarkable (and relieving) to see it work so harmoniously and effectively.
While here I checked to see what are the future cycling plans for the region and uncovered the Rotorua Urban Cycling Strategic Plan 2015-2018. This Plan focuses on developing local cycling infrastructure and participation.
Much has already been achieved on this front as Rotorua is already a hot spot for cycling with award winning MTB trails, an annual Bike Festival, an expanding Green Corridor inner-city link network as well as hosting numerous international competitions such as the UCI World Champs 2006 and Crankworx 2015.
So far, Rotorua has already completed the Te Ara Ahi (Thermal by Bike) Trail, which is 47-51 km link that begins in the CBD and passes through the Government Gardens and then meanders past the most stellar Rotorua thermal attractions such as Whakarewarewa, Waimangu Volcanic Valley, Wai-O-tapu Thermal Wonderland and Waikite Valley Thermal Springs, showcasing the rich local environment, animals, history and culture.
The four main overall aims of the Rotorua Urban Cycling Strategic Plan are to:
- Enhance and reinforce the district’s brand and reputation as a key cycling destination for domestic and foreign tourism
- Contribute to improved health outcomes for the community by promoting active modes of transport and by reducing adverse impacts on our living environment
- Help address future demand on limited road capacity by reducing the number of trips based on motor vehicles and increasing trips through active transport modes
- Contribute to achieving sustainable and affordable infrastructure thus reducing the funding burden on the community
Rotorua plans to link up all the urban and inner-city bicycle networks to create an integrated Urban Cycleway Network, which connects major tourist attractions, cycling facilities, schools and the CBD together to make access by bike a safer and easier option for locals and visitors.
The 2015-2018 Strategic Plans are the next step towards achieving Rotorua’s 2030 goals and is informed by consultation with cycling stakeholders. The New Zealand government has recognised the importance of cycling and has prioritised it by putting into practice an Urban Cycling Fund (UCF) 2015-2018 to stimulate regional cycling developments. Rotorua applied to UFC and was awarded NZ$5.5 million to develop over 27kms of shared pathways to help link up the city’s Cy-Way network. There is talk about future plans to link up a series of the bicycle tracks throughout NZ so that the whole country can be connected and ridden as a complete trip. Now that’s exciting!!
As the Strategic plan outlines, ‘The completion of Rotorua’s primary cycling network will provide easier and safer access for people cycling to school, with almost 14,000 students within 500 meters of the primary cycling network. The completed network is expected to increase cycling from the suburbs within 20 minutes of the CBD, aiming to achieve an increase in mode share for cycling to work and to school. The network will also have benefits for tourism and economic development by furthering Rotorua’s reputation as a cycling destination and recreation- friendly city’ (Rotorua Lakes Council, n.d).
Eventually, this Cy-Ways link-up would connect the city by shared pathways in a way that will transform access, time and safety to the CBD for locals and tourists as well as making cycling the most desirable mode of transport around Rotorua. Such an approach will significantly reduce reliance on petroleum-based transport, increase the quality of the local environment as well as contribute to raising levels of health and fitness.

What an amazing feat of policy-making! It is exciting to see proactive and innovative strategies being implemented on a wide scale that have such prominent, meaningful and sustainable impacts to create change for so many people in so many ways. Congratulations Rotorua for leading the way! I can only hope that we see more city planning along the same lines elsewhere in the world.
Ref: Rotorua Lakes Council (n.d) Rotorua Urban Cycling Strategic Plan 2015-2018.