Sometimes after a busy week like the one I’ve just had, all I want is a quick happy bike story fix.
This week, I revisited Luis, the local Colombian farmer who effortlessly overtook a group of ‘pro’ road cyclists up a hill while they were attempting a world record.
It a simple story that many cyclists love.
Here’s what happened: Two road cyclists, Axel Carion (French) and Andres Fabricius (Swedish) were trying to break the current world record (58 days) to ride the whole length of South America (7,450 miles in total).
While in Antioquia (Colombia), they were struggling up a particularly steep hill, when local farmer Luis rode up behind them and then continued to sail past them on his old clunker wearing only a shirt and denim jeans.
The pro cyclists in full lycra and on high-end bikes couldn’t believe their eyes!
He gives them a friendly nod as he overtakes them and just keeps going about his business – GOLD!
Apparently, Luis rides 62 miles every day around his hilly surrounds – which explains why he is so fit and could so effortlessly overtake them.

I know it is a clique, but I still love the idea of a local on a clapped-out bike creaming professional cyclists all decked out in lycra on high-end bikes. It just makes me happy.
It totally speaks to my it-doesn’t-matter-who-you-are-just-get-on-a-bike-and-ride approach to biking.
It’s also a good reminder for all riders not to take themselves too seriously.
For all those Luis’s out there…. we need you!!
Keep being amazing and ride on!

This story was first published by The Daily Mail.