As I sit at my work desk forcing myself (at time unconvincingly) to focus on my bike PhD research, I feel Kissime (my bike packing bike) glaring at me through the walls.
The indignant heat of her inattention radiates out, burning my skin 12 feet away.
Okay, Okay!
On a longer break, I maneuver closer to her for reassurance and flick on YouTube.
Together we sit, hand in grip, enjoying the latest offering from Katrin Hollendung. We have an unspoken agreement to go on a similar epic adventure (just as soon as the PhD is accepted).
We watch on.

Katrin Hollendung is a German adventure bike-packer who started posting her international rides on YouTube only in the last 12 months.
Her page is my new favorite reprieve.
So what do I like about it? You mean aside from the fact that she travels to awesome locations, riding her bike for love, not ego and takes the time to enjoy the uniqueness of it all? ……Well, it’s not in English. She usually travels with one, select intrepid buddy. Oh, and she gets super, extra, EXTRA kudos points for having ridden the Cairngorms (Scotland), where I lived for 2 years.
In Katrin’s videos, there is a good mixture of riding ups and downs, local culture, odd encounters, breathtaking vistas, necessary language and personality readjustments and a bit of local history and storytelling mixed in with Katrin’s reflections of life, two wheels and the world at large.
I like that the videos are no super polished or over produced – they are personable, interesting, approachable and at times daggy….. you know….normal!
Her videos range from 15 mins to 37 mins and are purposefully narrated with English subtitles. Here are a few of her trips:
Katrin’s Instagram account @draussendrang is super inspiring too!
I appreciate not only the trip itself, but the amount of video editing and work Katrin puts into sharing her bike packing adventures.
As I look lovingly over at Kissime, (who, for now at least, is consoled), I relish Katrin’s adventurous spirit and patiently await the time when I’ll be out there exploring trails with Kissime and mate, just like Katrin.
Now the break is over, it is back to research!