Like most others, I’ve been working hard managing myself, family, work, teaching, research, community, bike riding and a myriad of other commitments.
Usually, I can do this well. Other times not so much.
If I am honest, I am feeling tired… like… REALLY tired.
I worked hard during COVID to support the students, staff and colleagues I work with and despite looking after myself, I can feel my adrenals burning out.
So many of us live in a constant state of stress, rushing from one task to the next with little time to rest or relax – and this can have a serious impact on our physical and mental health.
As I come to the end of this year and look ahead…now is a good time to take a break.
Taking a break is essential for maintaining health and well-being.
It gives the body, brain and spirit a chance to recover from the constant demands of society, the workplace and our relationships with ourselves and others – and the need to constantly ‘be on’ ALL THE TIME!
It can be exhausting.
So, for the first time since I started this blog six years ago, I’m taking a break. I’m taking time to recharge, refocus and refresh.
During this break, I’ll be reflecting on riding, teaching, work and my PhD. I’ll also be reassessing my priorities, health and current life direction.
I’ll be back in 2023 with more inspiring bike-related projects.
Until then, take care friend! I hope you also take some time to recharge.
I’ll see you back here soon!
Ride On!