Do you agree with compulsory helmet laws?
Helmet use for cyclists is an ongoing and contentious issue.
Lately, there have been some very heated, passionate and convincing arguments being thrown around.
So it is very timely that Bicycle Network (BN) is undertaking an open invitation to participate in a Helmet Survey to gauge current community feelings about compulsory helmet laws. Have you put your two cents in yet? Better hurry!
The survey closes Friday 22nd September.
Anyone, anywhere can fill out the survey.
It will take about 5 minutes.

Bicycle Network is Australia’s largest bicycle advocacy group. It is the resultant amalgamation of Bicycle Victoria, Bicycle NSW and Bicycle Tasmania (QLD, SA and others opted not to join). This group has over 50,000 members and is proactive in responding to current issues and driving more positive change. Hence the survey!
I have been a member for a number of years. In Feburary this year, I went to Bicycle Network’s Bike Futures 2017 Conference. I was impressed by the range of sessions, quality of work undertaken and large number of attendees. The event was very well organised and it was exciting to be invovled with such a motivated community of cycling activists!
So it is no surprise that as of today, over 18 thousand people have already completed the Helmet Survey.
However, only 23% of respondents are female – which is a pitiful representative considering that women make up 1/3 of all cyclists.
Why the low representation of females in this survey? This is not good.
More females needed to complete the Helmet Survey, please!
Anyone can fill out this survey. You don’t even need to be a cyclist.
Bicycle Network would like to hear what the WHOLE community feels about this issue – including people who ride bikes – as well as those who don’t.
What to do?
- Step 1: If you have not done so already, fill out the survey.
- Step 2: Ask at least two female cycling mates to do the same!
In my discussions with people about this issue, I’ve heard the full gamut of positions, like:
- Some people have strong opinions about helmets (both for and against)
- Some people are still deciding
- Some think this issue doesn’t affect them
- Some haven’t thought much about it
- Others couldn’t care less
Patrick Williams published a good little article for ABC Brisbane that touches on a few of the key issues and well worth a quick look if you are interested to hear a little more. (Very interesting reading some of the comments below this article as well!)
This is what Bicycle Network plans to do with the results of the survey…