Happy New Gear and Happy New Year…Bike Lovers!
Out with 2017 – and in with 2018!
Farewell to 2017 and goodbye 200th year anniversary of the invention of the modern bicycle.
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2018 is Year of the Dog with the associated element being Earth and lucky colours blue, black and green… which is surely good enough reasons for a new cycling kit!
Happy New Gear 2018 = Year of the awesome rides!
It is great to see how enthusiastic cyclists are welcoming in the new year.
There are many ways to celebrate the cycling, international and cultural events coming up in 2018.
I started getting excited when I saw a few of the examples (below) of how our talented and passionate cycling community are celebrating 2018.

So what’s on in 2018?
Not yet fully enthused about 2018? Let me whet your whistle…..
For the cyclists – get online and see what events, competitions, festivals and meets are on in your area. Of course your first stop for events will always your favorsite cycling website, magazine, news, Facebook, mates or cycling group.
Evenso, some riders still like to see what’s on offer Australia-wide events via sites like Cycling Australia’s calendar, while other go more local (which for me is Brisvegas) such as the Bicycle Queensland 2018 Calendar.
International events – there are so many local and international days of significance in the 2018 calendar – and there are some awesome dates to look forward to, like some of th worldwide holidays and special dates below, like:
For some other global ‘Day of the …’ events that will blow your mates away, check out the massive range of UN International Days -which includes heaps of historical and commemorative dates (too many to list here), as well as many others, such as May 2nd (World Tuna Day), 13th June (International Albinism Awareness Day) or November 19th (World Toilet Day).
Or, for something a little more multicultural for the Aussies- here is Griffith University’s Cultural Diversity Calendar (see below), so you won’t miss any important dates.
So much to see and do in 2018- and so many great rides to experience!
However you chose to celebrate 2018 – I hope this year is filled with fun, challenges, excitement, change ….. and lots of awesome cycling!