Congratulations on making it the end of 2018!!
What an epic year it has been.
This year was full of highs and lows and presented some incredible opportunities.
As we draw to the close of 2018, this is the perfect time to review what worked, what didn’t work, changes that need to be made and what will be the primary focus for 2019.
In previous years, around this time, husband and I have been in Rotorua, New Zealand mountain biking. But this year, we are conserving and consolidating – we are also using the time to experiment with our bike packing gear and setups and using the time to get some
My next year is going to be dramatically different. In 2019, I’m working on my bicycle PhD full-time, reducing my teaching load drastically and undertaking more bike packing than MTB adventures.
Who knows what new opportunities and challenges will emerge for each of us.
Whatever your experience is, I wish you the best of luck and oodles of positivity in doing what you need and what to achieve in 2019.
If 2019 is going to be anything like 2018, it will be jammed packed full of surprises, tests, success and possibilities.

Remember what
Here’s a quick recap from online news about the year that was.. remember these?
- North and South Korea vowed to formally end the Korean War
- Cuba announced a new president ending the 59-year Castro leadership
- Iraq had its first parliamentary elections since the defeat of ISI int he country
- Canada became the second nation in the world, after Uruguay, to legalize marijuana
- Mexico is selling its $218.7 million presidential
plane to use funds for poor communities - South Korea closed its largest dog meat slaughterhouse
- Meghan Markle became the first woman of
color to join the British royal family
Human rights
- In Saudi Arabia, women are finally able to drive
- Ireland voted and repealed its abortion ban
- India’s Supreme Court decriminalised consensual gay sex
- Scotland became the first country to back teaching LGTBI issues in schools
- The “Year of the Woman” went global
- Africa saw a huge and significant decline in female genital mutilation
- For the first time in Iran, women were allowed to attend wmen’s sporting events
The environment
- We discovered 157 new species in Southeast Asia
- New Zealand may have killed its oil industry to combat climate change
- Major fashion brands united against climate change
- A growing number of Americans now believe climate change is happening
- Scientists came up with an idea to stop glaciers from melting
- British fashion house Burberry says it’ll stop destroying unsold goods and using fur
- Scientists developed a plastic-eating enzyme
Health & Science
- A woman gave birth to a baby after she received a uterus transplant from a dead person
- The UK has exceeded UN targets for HIV diagnosis and treatment, proving efforts to control the epidemic can work
- Researchers developed a 10-minutes cancer test
- A new Ebola treatment trial began
- A new peanut allergy drug has provided fresh hope
- A study found dogs can be a powerful tool in diagnosing malaria
Best of luck for 2019!
What ever you plans and goals are for 2019 – I wish you all the best!
May your 2019 be a biking blast!