@CyclingBrisbane Instagram Takeover
This week I have been invited to take over Cycling Brisbane’s Instagram account.
This is an ongoing initiative that gives an individual or organisation the opportunity to control the Cycling Brisbane (@cyclingbrisbane) Instagram account for 7 days.
This is a great way to showcase community members and local biking groups various interests, perspectives and personalities.
The idea is that participants share their views of what riding in Brisbane means to them.
This account has guest host takeovers by an impressive range of Brisbane cycling and biking enthusiasts including Colony (BMX), Queensland Police, specific-type-of-bike fanatic/s, school groups, racers, families, local businesses, MTB clubs and more!
Similarly to this blog, my takeover key themes are inclusion, participation and diversity for a range of ages and stages of the community and for all types of cycling.
Ongoing motifs will also be dogs, local personalities, riding for enjoyment, having fun, sustainability/recycling, getting out in nature and showing off my local bayside surrounds.
And of course, lots of photos of Leki my flowerbike!
Check out what I have uploaded so far here.

IG Account Takeover
To do a @cyclingbrisbane takeover, you can either contact the organizers (at the link in the IG bio) or you are directly approached through the local cycling network or because someone knows/recommends you.
From there it straightforward. After you receive the terms and conditions and fill out the consent, then you receive the account login and dates of the takeover
I was contacted directly by the organizers who I know through various local biking events.
During the takeover, you need to upload between 1- 4 images per day to the @cyclingbrisbane Instagram account.
The idea is that images should be inspiring, visually appealing and most importantly representative of the great cycling options around Brisbane.
Content should align with Cycling Brisbane’s core themes of commuting, connectivity, discovering Brisbane by bike or active and healthy lifestyles.
You can only upload images and/or videos and they have to be your own original work.
Uploads need to include the hashtag #cyclingbne
Of course, all content uploaded needs to model responsible cycling practices. So, you need to obey road rules, wear a helmet and not use a mobile phone while riding a bike. That’s why there are no selfies of people riding their bikes.
This is a great initiative and one that other organizations might consider doing to increase engagement, exposure and diversity in their social media platforms.
It also makes it much more interesting for those who follow the account because each week you are getting these insights into the vastly different people, places and biking lifeworlds that make up our Brisbane bicycle/cycling community.
If you are in Brisbane, love bikes and are interested in doing a takeover, direct message the Cycling Brisbane (@cyclingbrisbane).