Well, it might look a bit whacky and you might feel a bit self-conscious at first, but there is definitely something to the Conference Bike idea.
The Conference Bike (CoBi-7) is a circular, 7-seated bike.
The design and engineering of the frame itself is awesome and there is certainly something kooky-attractive-oddly alluring about riding backwards or sideways.
The Conference bike is primarily pitched for ..um…well… conferences…and group initiatives, community and youth shindigs, team-building activities, festivals and other such events – which makes sense because you need (ideally) 7 people to ‘ride’ it.
I like the
Conversely, they embrace the absurdness of it…as each
It is safe to say, I will never go to another conference without thinking of this bike!
Regardless of what you might think initially of the bike – it kind of grows on you.
At first glance, you may dismiss it as tokenistic…but then if you think about it…HELLS YEAH!, it might be fun!!
After all – this blog is all about getting more people on bikes and having more fun!
And you can’t argue with the engineering and quality of the end product – it is
So, if you want to give it a go – f@rking go for it!

The producers of CoBi-7 have done a great job of extending and promoting this bike.
There are three free e-books, some pretty hilarious stories on their a blog, heaps of videos showcasing the bike in use, details on CoBi Clubs, info on how to order the bike and other resources and paraphernalia.
The history of how American artist Eric Staller created these bikes is pretty interesting – what vision (and balls!)
If you think these bikes are just a gimmick – keep in mind that many people, companies and organizations are already using CoBis. For example, The Association of Dairy Farmers of Canada have 2 CoBi-7s that they tour around Canada as a means to promote healthy living! GOLD!
There are a few different models of the CoBi. Not all have 7 seats – there is also a Quintette (5) and a Love Bike (2) in a heart shaped frame.
Here is what Conference Bike has to say:
It’s no joke: the Conference Bike is a revolutionary way to bring people together. The
More than 300
They have been used for fund-raising events and by biking advocacy groups worldwide. CoBies are being used to transport employees on the Google campus in California; and as ice-breakers at Vincennes, Stony Brook and Alfred Universities. Every group you can think of can use a ‘CoBi’ as a tool and a symbol for bringing people together.
Originally conceived as an artwork by internationally recognized artist/inventor Eric Staller, the CoBi makes every owner/operator feel like an artist; behind the wheel of this bike you see the joy that you are bringing to people.