This guest blog post comes courtesy of the invincible Jen Sheean. Husband and I first met Jen out on some local mountain bike trails. Not only is Jen relaxed, smart and fun – but she also rides a

Chicks in the Sticks 2019 Event Report
Sunday, 25 August 2019 should have been a day like any other Sunday. Being late August, the weather had started to warm up. The winds that generally accompany the Ekka had died down. There was nothing to indicate that this particular Sunday would be anything other than an ordinary Sunday with an early morning mountain bike ride followed by breakfast at the nearest café and then the usual housework. Nothing, except that it was the day that the Chicks in the Sticks mountain bike race was scheduled to run.
This race, hosted by RATS MTB club, has been a much anticipated event for a few years now. This inclusive event provides a rare opportunity for women and girls and other gendered people to ride together or race if they are so inclined. There is no pressure to perform at any particular level. The emphasis is on participation and fun. And there was plenty of both to go around!
The indefatigable Nina and I entered as a two-person team. We were the only people riding singlespeeds (which won us a prize!) and we had decided to just ride, meet people and have fun. Nina is a dab hand at meeting people. No sooner had we selected a place to set up than she had a couple of nearby ladies rubbing sunscreen on her back.
The race was held at Scribbly Gums and the course was a lot of fun (although it was very dry which made for some interesting riding as the day wore on). People dressed in fabulous costumes with Edwina Scissorhands taking out the prize for the best costume. Some participants were serious racers and they did a great job. Others were happy to just complete whatever number of laps they had set themselves. They also did a great job!
I am not a person who participates in races and the only reason I entered this was that Nina assured me we would not be racing. And I am so glad I did! The atmosphere was friendly. The event was well organised – running almost completely on time. It was a wonderful day out and I have no regrets about participating – even if that housework did chide me for its neglect until the following weekend.