I’m very excited as 2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the bicycle.
Happy Year of the Bike!
Bring on 2017!
According to Chinese Astrology, we are leaving the Year of the Monkey (2016) and entering the Year of the (Fire) Rooster (starting Feb 2017 for Chinese New Year). If you are not sure what ‘Year of the ..’ you were born – check here.
The New Year transition ALWAYS means big changes – but this transition ESPECIALLY is going to uncover some sudden upheavals, dramatic ends and new beginnings. Don’t be surprised if you see relationship break ups, new lovers coming together, people leaving their jobs or being promoted, other will be moving house, going away (interstate or overseas). Passionate pleas will be made, sudden conflicts aroused, cathartic outbursts unleashed, secrets revealed and many desires fulfilled (*sigh*). No doubt a few unexpected changes to content with during this particular New Year transition – perhaps you have already noticed or experienced it’s effects??
But once this has passed, 2017 is shaping up to be AMAZING!!!
Most importantly – I think it is awesome that the wee little future riders lucky enough to be born this year can claim to be a ‘bicycle’! All those born in 2017 will be ‘Year of the Bike’ – how cool is that!!
I wonder if this means we will see a significant increase in births by cycling parents trying to have their kids born this year so they can claim their child to be ‘Year of the Bike’. It would be an interesting sociological/public health study to investigate!
I also hope this means that a few of us get a massive kick start to the New Year. Also, all year there should be HEAPS of events, exhibitions, art, gatherings, conferences and shows paying homage to the humble bicycle. So keep your eyes open for upcoming events – or even better host your own!
If you see or know of a Year of the Bike event that you think Bicycles Create Change should feature, please let me know via the comments.
2017 – Happy New Year of the Bike!!
Back in the day
It is hard to believe that it all started 200 years ago in 1817, when in his German Mannheim laboratory, Baron Karl von Drais produced the first recognised velocipede – the original of what we today call the bicycle. When it was first launched, it was called the Laufmaschine (“running machine”) and was the brunt of much ridicule.
Over the years the basic (frame and wheel) design saw many evolutions of change and development until by the 1860’s the product was such that it was officially dubbed a ‘bicycle’ from then on. As you well know, improvements in bicycle designs continue today.
The bicycle has a long and rich history, of which I am not going to recount here as it easy to find details of the bicycle’s history, uses, popularity and transformations over the years.

How well do you know bike history?
If you love bikes and are keen to test your knowledge of bicycle history – try this HISTORY OF THE BICYCLE EXCERCISE – which also has a downloadable worksheet (and answers). See how well you do and get some extra awesome histo-cultural background to wow your mates on group rides and at dinner parties when the topic of Year of the Bike comes up.
To see a quick rehash of the major stages and changes that bicycles have undertaken over the years – this 1-minute animation is spot on.
Happy year of the bike – does that mean there will be more bike cakes in 2017?
I certainly hope so Clare!! Would be great to see all the bicycle birthday cakes this year! If you had a bike cake – what would you get?
As long as you cycle enough to work the cake off!
prof premraj pushpakaran writes — 2017 marks the bicentennial year of bicycle invention
It does indeed! Happy bike birthday Prof!