In keeping with the spirit of my recent Vipassana experience, this post introduces the wonderful world of bicycle mandalas. Enjoy! NG.

Mandalas are beautiful Buddhist spiritual representations of the metaphysical universe.
At their core, mandalas are meditation aids.
The most famous mandalas would have to be the large-scale Tibetan Buddhist sand mandalas. These intricate and complex mandalas take a team of monks days, or weeks, or more, to create and require constant concentration and care to complete.
Once finished, the mandala is swept away as a reminder of impermanence.
Bicycle Mandalas
There are many different types of bicycle art and crafts.
But in order to be a mandala, it needs to include some specific design features.
Mandalas have a balanced, repeated geometric design, a consistent colour palette and traditionally include a radial composition.
For many, circular bicycle wheels provide the perfect mandala frame. This is why they are so often in bike art when creating mandalas, dream catchers and other decorations.
The material and techniques used in these mandalas can vary. 2D mandalas use either hand-drawn or computer-assisted graphics, saving time, money and materials, but this approach often requires a certain amount of artistic or technical proficiency.
For 3D mandalas, fabric, cloth and textiles are big favourites, as are glass and mixed- media for the more adventurous.
Colours and designs vary widely and are only limited by the creators imagination, bravery and skill.
Remy Jouve’s bicycle tyre mandala
I got interested in bicycle mandalas after seeing Rémy Jouve’s amazing hand carved bicycle tyre mandala (below) which was sent to me by Claire Tracey.
Skill, patience, thoughtfulness and a whole lotta love!

Other Bicycle Mandalas
Then I found a whole heap of them!
Here is a sample of the various hand-make bicycle mandalas.

Ink Drawing.

Knitted/Macrame (there are heaps of these online).

And a few mixed media.

And some digitally assisted bicycle mandalas.

Regardless of the material or medium used, bicycle mandalas are unique, creative, quirky and fun.
They are a great way cyclists can support artists as well as showing their love for all things two-wheeled.
Keep your eyes open for your favourite bicycle mandala.
Or even better, have a go at making your own!
Happy ridding and mandala-making!