What a change – from riding endless breathtaking mountain bike trails with good mates every day to the sharp jolt back into the hot seat and the office *OUCH*!! First day back at work and it has been very interesting managing a new timetable and new class responsibilities with continuing commitments for research, work and riding. Returning from such a great riding trip has left me feeling recharged and content, but physically quite tired so it will take a little while to restablize back into office mode after being outdoors and riding every day – although finding author Anna Brones‘ image below made me smile as I donned my formal office wear.

I am still trying to get into a rhythm of regular blog posting and the holidays have thrown up myriad challenges. These have given me some very interesting insights into how some of my current choices and routines, either work – or in some cases, don’t work! Such insights inform what I will need to implement to be more strategic with time, tasks and output so I can be more organised and productive.
I have a number of big projects ongoing at the same time. I am conscious that I need to manage my time better so I can give focused, constructive and deliberate input into each of the projects. I also need to check in with my expectations of what needs to be done, and whe;, to make sure that I am not pushing too hard, or if I need to refocus or divert energy, to free up certain periods of time so that my routine is sustainable. I also want to make sure that I don’t feel overwhelmed or that I am getting behind – which, as the University semester gets underway at the end of February, is a constant struggle to manage.
Over the summer I was looking at my favourite writing resources such as The Thesis Whisperer, Jeff Goins, Patter, Brain Pickings, A Life of Productivity and Shut Up and Write sessions and found a truckload of inspiration, techniques and great tips – it is just a case of experimenting with some of the strategies and implementing those that are most useful.
For the next 5 weeks my main Projects are:
- Teaching and class management for a new class (5-week block)
- Editing a conference paper for publication
- Organising and managing the inaugural Bicycles Create Change Summer Program
- Completing my online course Ignite your Everyday Creativity with The State University of New York
- Prepare and start writing next publication article
- Get into a regular routine of posting for this blog
So for the next couple of weeks I will be trying to clarify and consolidate my various commitments to research, work, fitness and family – I do not think I am alone in this regard – no doubt there are many of us coming out of a hectic holiday period and back to work who are all grappling with such challenges and readjustments.
What strategies or resources do you use to help re-orientate yourself after holidays back into intensive work mode?