It’s Australian Walking and Cycling Conference (AWCC) time again!
I really like this conference.
The people are great, the program is always interesting – and it doesn’t cost
In 2017, I presented an AWCC roundtable session entitled Bicycles Create Change: An innovative guide to creating memorable and meaningful engagement in community bike projects.
The session went very well and it was great to share my work people outside of Griffith Uni and Queensland.
It was also a valuable opportunity to network and meet some incredible people. I came home from the last AWCC with a big smile and many new ideas and resources.
Last year, the 2018 AWC Conference was held in the Victorian regional city of Bendigo,
This year, AWCC is returning to Adelaide on October 24-25th 2019.

AWCC 2019 – Abstracts open!
The 2019 conference and related activities aim
to engage more directly with local issues of climate change mitigation and
adaption in relation to walking and cycling.
The 2019 AWCC theme is Active transport in a changing climate.
Abstracts for AWCC sessions are now open.
Session Formats
Learnshops: 20 min podium presentations with 10 mins Q & A.
Spin cycles: Short, fast-paced podium PPTs of 3.45 mins for 15 slides.
Roundtables: To a table of 10 – present for 10 with 15 mins group discussion
Key dates
- Abstract submission opens: Monday 22 April
- Abstract submission closes: Monday 22 July
- Authors notified of outcome: Monday 19 August
- Authors notified of program placement (date/time): Mon 26 Aug
- Presenting author registration deadline: Monday 16 September
- Conference: Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October
Below is more info from the AWCC website.

Conference vision
The simple acts of walking and cycling have the potential to transform the places we live, our economies and how we engage with our environment. The Australian Walking and Cycling conference explores the potential for walking and cycling to not only provide for transport and recreation but solutions to challenges of liveability, health, community building, economic development and sustainability. As one of Australia’s longest running, best regarded and most affordable active travel conferences, we bring together practitioners and researchers from Australia and across the world to share their work and engage with conference participants.
Conference theme: Active transport in a changing climate
We aspire to promote work which creates a transport mode shift away from cars towards walking and cycling, and using active means to link with improved public transport in suburbs and rural towns. We want to shift away from CO2 reliant mobility and keep people active as temperatures rise, and extreme weather becomes more common.
What can a transport mode shift in our suburbs and rural towns contribute to CO2 reduction nationally? What concomitant air quality benefits are felt in suburban streets and towns as a result? Acknowledging that climate change is occurring, what changes are to be made to suburban and town environments so that walking and cycling are almost always convenient, pleasurable, safe and life affirming even in the face of rising temperatures? What does a small town or suburban neighbourhood retrofit look like in the next ten or twenty years, so that people are out and about and interacting? How do people of all ages and abilities avoid retreating to air-conditioned ‘comfort’ – ‘comfort’ that is inactive, isolated and CO2 producing?
These questions indicate the directions we hope to explore in the 2019 conference.