Great news!
I am extremely happy to announce my latest article has just been released!
This is not your traditional academic article: no big words, no theory no-one understands and no in-text references.
This piece is perceptive, personal and poignant.
It is only 2.5 pages and is an embodied exploration of what is seen, said, felt, performed and experienced during international travel.
It centres on my return trip home (to Brisbane, AUS) after doing bike PhD Fieldwork in Sierra Leone.
In it, I share some moments of ‘Encountering the Return’ trip that any traveller would instantly recognise.
Anyone who has ever been overseas or in an airport will relate to this article.
I wanted to capture how time, space, place, bodies, objects, movement and feelings are all co-implicated in re(co)creating the fleeting moments that make up our lives.
Grab a copy of it below.
I got home 1 week before COVID-19 lockdown, so that was also a major dynamic to contend with.
I’ve included the first page below.
Enjoy reading it over the holidays!
Ginsberg, N. (2020). Encountering the return. Journal of Narrative Politics, 7(1), 42-44. Retrieved from https://jnp.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default.